

I've Achieved!

"I've achieved!"

I first saw this slogan on billboards. My first reaction was to ask myself, "isn't the verb "achieve" a transitive verb?"

A transitive verb needs an object to complete its thought. For example: 

The sales team achieved its quota for the quarter. 
The college graduate feels that he has achieved a lot.

But then again I don't think the company--and a call center at that--that put out that slogan didn't make sure that they were expressing a good and grammatically correct sentence. So I looked up again the word "achieve." 

Dictionary.com says:
–verb (used with object)
to bring to a successful end; carry through; accomplish: The police crackdown on speeders achieved its purpose.
2. to get or attain by effort; gain; obtain: to achieve victory.
–verb (used without object)
3. to bring about an intended result; accomplish some purpose or effect.
So, there, the word can be with or without an object. 
Thanks to this "I've achieved!" slogan, I am able to review my English grammar/usage again. ;)