

The Uses of While

My interest in the conjunction while got picked when I saw a sign on SM Department Stores, which goes, "Pay your bills while shopping."

When I read that line, I had to look up the word "while" again. I know that while connotes simultaneous action. This means that I am paying bills and shopping at the same time, which is highly improbable to do.

Here's what I learned (again) from Dictionary.com about the uses of the conjunction "while."

  1. during or in the time that.
  2. throughout the time that; as long as.
  3. even though; although: While she appreciated the honor, she could not accept the position.
  4. at the same time that (showing an analogous or corresponding action): The floor was strewn with books, while magazines covered the tables.

That SM line is correct after all. :D


Franc said...

So it still hold true since the shopping and paying of bills would happen correspondingly.

Meikah said...

Yes, Franc! :) The use of while in that SM line can fall under #4.

Sumi Go said...

I'm not used seeing how "while" was used there, but I guess it's technically correct since even the paying is actually part of the whole shopping act.

Joshua Berida said...

I wasn't conscious of that tag line till this post but at least they got it right, technically speaking.
-Wanderer Juan

Fred Said said...

I am actually not sure it is correct. You are not shopping when you are at the customer service area where they accept bill payments. So you are not shopping WHILE you are paying bills.

Meikah said...

The use of "while" here is actually tricky! :D